Trade Policy Uncertainty and Market Volatility
This page links to trade policy uncertainty and market volatility measures developed in our research and by other researchers.
US Monthly Trade Policy Uncertainty Index
Our US Trade Policy Uncertainty Index is one of the category-specific Economic Policy Uncertainty (EPU) indexes developed in "Measuring Economic Policy Uncertainty" by Scott R. Baker, Nick Bloom and Steven J. Davis. It reflects the frequency of articles in American newspapers that discuss policy-related economic uncertainty and also contain one or more references to trade policy. For index construction details, please visit the US Categorical EPU Indices page.
China Trade Policy Uncertainty Index
Steven J. Davis, Dingqian Liu and Xuguang S. Sheng also construct a monthly Trade Policy Uncertainty Index for China from 2000 onwards using the Renmin Daily and the Guangming Daily. Please visit our page on their China Trade Policy Uncertainty Index for more details.
Trade Policy Uncertainty (Caldara, Iacoviello, Molligo, Prestipino, and Raffo)
Dario Caldara, Matteo Iacoviello, Patrick Molligo, Andrea Prestipino, and Andrea Raffo construct a monthly index of Trade Policy Uncertainty (TPU Index) by counting the frequency of joint occurrences of trade policy and uncertainty terms across major newspapers. For index construction details, please visit the Trade Policy Uncertainty (Caldara, Iacoviello, Molligo, Prestipino, and Raffo) page.
Trade Policy Share of US Equity Market Volatility
This measure reports the percentage of articles about equity market volatility in leading American newspapers that discuss trade policy matters. For an explanation of how we construct this measure, please visit our page about Equity Market Volatility (EMV) or read "Policy News and Equity Market Volatility" by Scott R. Baker, Nick Bloom, Steven J. Davis and Kyle Kost.
Japan Monthly Trade Policy Uncertainty Index
Our Japan Trade Policy Uncertainty Index is one of the category-specific Economic Policy Uncertainty (EPU) indexes developed in "Policy Uncertainty in Japan" by Elif Arbatli, Steven J. Davis, Arata Ito and Naoko Miake. It reflects the frequency of articles in Japanese newspapers that discuss policy-related economic uncertainty and also contain one or more references to trade policy. For index construction details, please visit the Japan Monthly Index page.